Spot00077.pngFocusing lighting devices

The focus of a lighting device determines where its light beams are pointing. A focus is required to draw light beam representations (see Drawing light beam representations) and render the lit scene (see Setting Spotlight rendering options).

There are several ways to focus lighting devices:

       Focusing lighting devices from the Object Info palette

       Creating a focus point object

       Fanning the focus of lighting devices

       Focusing lighting devices along a path

If the focus locations need to be documented, use focus points. You can create focus points with the Focus Point tool and assign one to each lighting device, or create focus points automatically for each selected device when fanning the focus or distributing it along a path.

A Spotlight preference controls whether lighting devices automatically point at the focus in 2D views; see Spotlight preferences: Lighting Devices: Parameters pane.


Focusing lighting devices from the Object Info palette

Creating a focus point object

Fanning the focus of lighting devices

Focusing lighting devices along a path