Spot00108.pngReplacing lighting devices




Replace Lighting Devices


       Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R (Windows)

       Cmd+Shift+Option+R (Mac)

Replacing a single lighting device

To replace an individual lighting device with another type of device:

1.      Select the existing device.

2.From the Object Info palette, click Replace Lighting Device.

3.From the Resource Selector, double-click the replacement device.

Replacing selected lighting devices

To replace selected lighting devices with another type of lighting device:

1.      Select the lighting devices to be replaced.

2.Select the command.

The Replace Lighting Devices dialog box opens.

3.Click Replace selected lighting devices.

4.Click the Resource Selector, and double-click a resource to select it.

Replacing all lighting devices of one type

To replace all lighting devices of one type:

1.      Select the command.

The Replace Lighting Devices dialog box opens.

2.Click Replace All.

3.Click the Resource Selector, and double-click a resource to select it.


Editing lighting devices

Inserting lighting devices