Spot00005.pngManaging loads


Tool set

Manage Loads



The Manage Loads tool allows you to attach, reposition, and remove loads from rigging objects in the model and in schematic views. In the model, the tool can also be activated by selecting Manage Loads from a rigging object’s context menu. Managing loads with the tool is unaffected by the auto positioning options in Spotlight preferences setup; whether auto positioning is enabled or disabled, the Manage Loads tool can still be used to attach and reposition loads, such as lighting devices, speakers, and soft goods. See Concept: Attaching loads to rigging objects.

When repositioning a load on a truss line, the tool’s Reposition mode enables sophisticated truss snapping. This allows you to precisely set the load’s hanging point on the top, bottom, or side of the truss. Using the tool for repositioning is more precise than Attaching existing loads by dragging.





Attaches selected load objects to the selected rigging object, creating an association


Removes selected load objects from their associated rigging object, breaking the association


Displays control points on all of the load objects attached to a selecting rigging object, for repositioning the loads.

To display control points on schematic loads, select the schematic load or its associated schematic rigging object.

There are several ways to attach lighting devices and other loads to a rigging object. Loads can be automatically attached when they are inserted and when they are moved in the drawing. For details, see Concept: Attaching loads to rigging objects. In addition, various commands allow you to attach, reposition, and remove loads from rigging objects in the model and in schematic views.




Attaching loads



Insert a load on a rigging object

Symbol insertion

Attaching new loads and Adding lighting devices 

Move a load to a rigging object

Click-drag operation

Attaching existing loads by dragging

Attach one or more loads to a rigging object

       Manage Loads tool

       Load object context menu command

Attaching existing loads with the Manage Loads tool

Repositioning attached loads



Move a load’s hanging point in the model and schematic view

       Manage Loads tool (model only)

       Hanging point control point

       Repositioning loads with the Manage Loads tool

       Moving schematic loads by control points

Move a load’s offset position in the schematic view

Object position control point (schematic only)

Moving schematic loads by control points

Move an offset load onto the schematic rigging object

Drop-down context menu command (schematic only)

Moving an offset load onto the schematic rigging object

Move all offset loads onto the schematic rigging object

Rigging object context menu command (schematic only)

Moving all offset loads onto the schematic rigging object

Removing loads



Remove a load from the rigging object

Manage Loads tool

Removing loads with the Manage Loads tool

Remove a load from the schematic view

Drop-down context menu command (schematic only)

Removing loads in the schematic view


Concept: Rigging objects

Concept: Schematic views

Concept: Attaching loads to rigging objects

Repositioning loads

Removing loads